Thursday, July 22, 2010

Taos Area on Facebook

Just a short reminder.  There are a number of Taos area businesses on Facebook.  Some offer specials, information, tourist activities, and other details that you may find useful in planning your visit.

For example, here's a discount from the Good Sole and they also have a blog.  Great ideas for hikingin and around the Taos area!

Here's a directory that lists web sites for some and Facebook links for some.

Here's a good video of rafting the Rio Grande with Billy Miller -

Here's someones ideas of the top 5 things to do in Taos -

Couldn't find the page I wanted but the above offer numerous ideas to keep you and your family/friends entertained!  Certainly appreciate your reading, commenting, following on any of the sites we work - the blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.  If you are a Taos area business that found this note, let's connect, share referrals, work on improving our businesses this month, this year!

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