Friday, April 2, 2010

Does More or Less Government = Liberty?

Our founding fathers created something that has provided immense opportunity for virtually anyone who honestly desires to get ahead.  They had clear concerns of government getting too big.  Have you recently thought about what liberty means?  Does the lame street media report factual news or opinion?

Here's a web site that offers strong opinions from a wide variety of authors on Liberty:

If you'll go to the "Plain Truth" link, you'll find a number of very interesting short video clips.  Near the lower left of that page is one from Milton Friedman, an incredible economist.  He's talking about social security.  The clip was done many years back.  That commentary is of real relevance considering that the costs of social security this year, 2010, will begin to exceed the taxes collected therefor.  Especially of note is the last minute of his video in which he talks about socialized healthcare.

Dr. Friendman had a number of almost radical ideas but could convince you of the validity of those concepts, even if you disagreed with them.  He was for legalizing drups inorder to control and tax them.  He was also a fair trader in that he believed the benefits of less expensive imports were larger than the detriments.

If you have concerns about your personal liberty, invest some time researching web sites that offer a wide variety of thought on the subject.  Hope you'll visit Indian Hills Inn, Taos Plaza sometime this year.  We really appreciate your patronage and will bribe you with the best rates available anywhere in Taos.     800-444-2346

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